Tag Archive for: Reciclad’OR

Farmec has reached 50 thousand recycled packaging in the “Take care of nature as you take care of yourself” campaign

Farmec, one of the largest Romanian companies in the market, has reached 50 thousand recycled packaging in the campaign “Take care of nature as you take care of yourself”. Since April, when the social responsibility approach was extended nationwide, the most packaging was collected in Cluj-Napoca – 15,700, Bucharest – 6,580 and Brasov – 6,272.

How responsible are companies in Romania?

The companies' concern for the future can be seen in the creativity of the projects received by the editorial office and, more specifically, in the increasing budgets allocated to this type of project.

FIRST PLACE for Reciclad’OR

Lider pe piața autohtonă a transferului de responsabilitate privind reciclarea ambalajelor, RecicladʹOR SA a primit trofeul pentru locul 1 la domeniul de activitate și clasa de mărime corespunzătoare, acordat anual de Camera de Comerț și Industrie a Municipiului București.

RO-Wine | The International Wine Festival of Romania!

Reciclad`OR participă la singurul festival dedicat vinurilor premium şi superpremium, ce revine cu o ediţie aniversară! Fratelli va găzdui, pe 18-19 septembrie, festivalul RO-Wine.

Plastic disposables banned in the EU from the beginning of the month.

Plastic disposables banned in the EU from the beginning of…

FM Green Economy 2021. Recycling – How do we make recycling a way of life and increase the circular economy?

Marius Brînzea, Director of Recycling Strategy, participated…

Reciclad’OR, partner for a sustainable future!

Reciclad'OR, partner for a sustainable future! For responsible…