Entries by Reciclad'Or

Reciclad’OR – in the National Top Companies 2023

After almost six years of performance in the domestic market of transferring responsibility for packaging recycling, the results of RecicladʹOR SA are recognized at national level. The company is in the National Top Companies 2023, compiled by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.

The second edition of CSWeek – Sustainable Creativity Week

The second national edition of the Sustainable Creativity Week – CSWeek, initiated by Galateca Gallery and the Cultural Association NEO ART Romania, will take place between October 1 and 15, 2023, in Bucharest, Cluj – Napoca and Timisoara, involving over 30 partners and dozens of creators

Marius Brînzea , Director Strategie la Reciclad`OR: „Ambalajele – de la abordarea operațională la perspectiva strategică pe termen lung”

Having a vast managerial experience of over 27 years, specialized in circular economy and sustainability at the University of Cambridge, the development of competitive strategies at INSEAD and in the innovation of business models at Strategyzer-Switzerland, Marius Brînzea has managed throughout his career a multitude of strategic projects related to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)