Gala Capital Excellence in Management. Adriana Calcan, Reciclad’OR: “We are very well positioned on the sustainability segment and on the education side”
Exceptional results must be recognized and rewarded. Reciclad'OR succeeds in bringing important CSR campaigns and projects into the lives of Romanians, which have the role of helping to create a better future

ReCycle SABON in partnership with RECICLAD’OR! Join our recycling program with rewards
Have you finished a SABON product? Return the packaging to a store participating in the program for recycling, and your gesture will be rewarded!

The best managers in Romania, awarded at the Capital Excellence in Management Gala 2024
Capital magazine awards Romania's successful managers at the Capital Excellence in Management Gala, 2024 edition. The event will take place on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, starting at 7 p.m., at ONE Club Bucharest

Reporting sustainability performance is not enough! Marius Brînzea, Reciclad’OR: “Until the law sanctions us, the market will sanction us”
The concept of sustainability is no longer a novelty in society. Even so, there are uncertainties. The idea is a deep one, involving many details, interpretations and so on. And until the situation is clearer, it will take longer. This is the opinion of Marius Brînzea, Reciclad'OR Strategy Director.

Sustainability can help companies become more profitable. But the effort costs and takes time
Sustainability will become , in a not very time horizon removed , a requirement compulsory for most of them companies from Romania , regardless of the order of size

Round table “Sustainable business models”, Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 10:30 a.m., Crowne Plaza Bucharest, Sala Primavera
Sustainability reporting is the public disclosure that a company makes to communicate performance and environmental, social and governance (ESG - environment, social, governance) information, including the assumed objectives and the progress achieved in achieving them