55 de echipe câștigătoare din 34 de companii, la Gala Premiilor Piața ediția 2023
La ediția de majorat a Galei Premiilor Piața – ediția a XVIII-a – 55 de echipe din 34 de companii de retail logistică sau furnizori au fost desemnate câștigătoare pentru proiectele lor, Cele 54 de trofee puse în joc prin regulament au devenit 55 deoarece pentru unul dintre premii

SABON Initiative: a “Corner of Joy” for HOSPICE Casa Sperantei
This year, on June 28 and 29, 52 volunteers planted "Seeds of Joy" on the terrace of the HOSPICE hospital in Bucharest: seeds of joy, with the aim of creating a relaxing space for the patients who are so in need of beauty and comfort!

Reciclad’OR – in the National Top Companies 2023
After almost six years of performance in the domestic market of transferring responsibility for packaging recycling, the results of RecicladʹOR SA are recognized at national level. The company is in the National Top Companies 2023, compiled by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania.