
Now in its 3rd edition, AFTERHILLS 2019 offered green experiences in a dream location! Together with Reciclad`OR, the Eco-Friendly festival encouraged the public to have fun and recycle!

THE ART OF RECYCLING! A group of artists, with vision in the eco-area, have surprised us with their masterpieces made 100% from recyclable waste!

Art from recycled materials and the art of recycling, told in objects and images at Afterhills, a super festival with beautiful people and good music.

– Mădălina Vieriu is a visual artist and university lecturer at the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design in Iasi, textile arts section. Her work focuses on extracting beauty from the plastic debris that permanently surrounds us, emphasizing that “being green is not only fashionable, but vital”. Being conscious and engaged, being eco and environmentally friendly, is as natural as clothing, food and socialising.

– Alexandru Burlacu is the best known sculptor of the younger generation from Iasi, admired for his interventions in public spaces through monumental artworks, dressed in recycled metals. Present at Afterhills 2019 with two artworks, Alexandru Burlacu proves a great versatility and ability to transpose his own mental and narrative constructions into three-dimensionality through recycled materials. The character made of multiple wire overlays is a recomposition of the human body, which seems to be just a covering for the air, without identity or age, a wake-up call to depersonalization and uniformity, lack of involvement, pushing the viewer to look at himself and to be reborn.

-Smaranda Bostan is a visual artist and also a lecturer at the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design in Iasi. Dozens of forgotten pages from abandoned magazines have been given life and wings. More precisely, 101 brightly coloured birds are released from their cages and given back to nature. Just as we humans are not the same, neither are the little birds that fly in the breeze. The artist has set out to symbolically liberate the winged creatures from man to nature, to reintegrate the material into the framework that essentially provided the support (the trees).

– On the same idea, of ascension and verticality, the work of artist Alexandru Mocanu, combines various recycled metals, contorted, joined, from metal pipes to aluminum cans, layer by layer, to create the impression of flight. The wings rising from the ground remind us all that it is in our power to be better, more open, more aware, more active. It takes as long as a flap of the wings to decide you want the world you’re in to be greener.

Within Afterhills, near the main stage, is the totem designed by Alexandru Burlacu for this year edition, symbolically incorporating freedom and creativity, knowledge and courage, by integrating recycled materials to reflect on the surface of the board nature, earth, grass and people, children’s smiles, lovers’ hugs, festival-goers’ joy, clouds and the play of lights. The purpose of keeping the material with its roughness and specific chromaticity is to underline the relationship of connection between man and nature, of immersion in the environment, in the atmosphere. Above all, the character conceived by the artist accumulates all the aspirations, desires, joys and projects them towards the sky, on the vibrations of music and of each one’s soul.

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