
Sustainability & CSR Excellence: 15 speakers will tell us on June 5th ‘How Much Sustainability

The topic of economic sustainability has recently become highly controversial, as a series of political decisions impact various industries and large communities, and some administrative measures have proven to be inefficient or underprepared to be effective. Despite this, every citizen is aware that the direction in which the global economy has developed is wrong and needs to be corrected, in order to limit resource consumption, the effects of climate change, carbon footprint, social imbalances, or poverty.

The 6th edition of the Sustainability & CSR Excellence Conferences, which will take place on June 5th in Bucharest, aims to find answers on how companies can relate to sustainability as a business model, not as an imposed requirement. ‘How Much Sustainability’ – the theme of this year’s debates – has brought 15 renowned speakers to the stage to discuss the role and impact that sustainability has on various business models.

See the speakers of the ‘How Much Sustainability’ conference?

It will not be a holistic approach; it will be a discussion focused on models that have had an impact on the conducted business, starting from projects that involved remarkable investments to projects that, with small investments but much heart in their execution, have brought joy and well-being to disadvantaged groups.

And because June 5th is both World Environment Day and Teacher’s Day, an entire panel will be dedicated to debates on education. We will talk about how prepared school spaces are to attract children, and about dual education as a solution to the companies’ demand for professionally trained labor, a demand that does not meet at all what the current Romanian school is preparing. We will talk about environmental education – that correct education that cannot be done in a Green Week – but also about nutritional education, cyber safety for minors, or civic education on the first steps towards incident-free driving.

Find more details in the ‘How Much Sustainability’ Program?

This year’s edition of the Sustainability & CSR Excellence Conferences is supported by major companies from the consumer goods industry and related industries such as Kaufland Romania, Coca-Cola Romania, Coca-Cola HBC Romania, Reciclad’OR, RetuRO, Ursus Breweries, dm drogerie markt, Profi, CHEP, Nestle Romania, Nescafe Dolce Gusto, Inovalabel, Mondelez International, Transavia, Inventive + Marketing and the media partner Green Report.

To reserve a seat in the room, visit Reservations.

Source: Revista Piata

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