
The Business Excellence Gala 2024 is a landmark event for the Romanian business environment, playing a crucial role in promoting the best examples of success in the national economy. The event, organized by the European Women’s Business Association (PEFA) and hosted by the Romanian Government, will take place on September 23, offering a unique platform for recognizing and celebrating companies, public institutions, and entrepreneurs who have demonstrated performance, innovation, and sustainability in their activities, according to a press release.

The event will be attended by prominent personalities from the business environment, financial institutions, and public administration.

Andreea Negru, President of PEFA, stated: “The Business Excellence Gala 2024 represents a platform for recognizing extraordinary achievements in the Romanian economy. It is a moment when we celebrate not only economic success but also the fundamental values that underpin modern entrepreneurship: innovation, social responsibility, and leadership. We are honored by the support we receive from the Romanian Government and the presence of leading figures from the economy and administration, who share our commitment to the sustainable development of the business environment.”

“In an emerging economy like Romania’s, these examples are essential to inspire new generations of entrepreneurs and encourage the development of solid and competitive businesses nationally and internationally. The event also offers participants the opportunity to interact and build long-term partnerships, contributing to the consolidation of the national economy,” said PEFA First Vice-President Lorena Stoian, according to the press release.

The Business Excellence Gala, now in its third edition, serves as a barometer of the Romanian economy, providing a clear picture of the most successful sectors, companies, and institutions. In addition to economic and commercial aspects, the Gala plays an important role in promoting an ethical and responsible business climate. By recognizing those who have a positive impact on society, the event encourages sustainable practices and responds to the growing need to combine economic success with social responsibility.

Strategic partners of the event: Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MEAT), National Agency for Equal Opportunities between Women and Men (ANES), National Council of Small and Medium Private Enterprises in Romania (CNIPMMR), and Association for the Development of Indigenous Entrepreneurship (ADAA).

Logistics partner: DEEA Consulting & Communication and Sustainable Romania

Institutional partners: ASPES, National Office for Gambling

Event moderator: Adrian Maniutiu, Founder Entrepreneur EM360, journalist

Partners: Transelectrica SA, National Salt Company, IMSAT, Reciclad’OR, Exim-Romanian Bank, SMS Ticketing, Transgaz SA, Safety Insurance Broker, Electrica SA, Plafar SA, CANCOM, SAP, National Post Company, Austrotherm Romania, International Alexander Holding, Depogaz, Advanced Business Software, Hidroelectrica SA, DACRIS, Cotnari, Fast Partners Construct, DO Security, Diana Dragomir and Associates, My Geisha, SABON, Magnolia Florists, Fiterman Pharma, CHOCOLAND, Cosmetrice, Royal Events, Metamorphose, Happy Forever by Andreea, Svetlana Karahan, Women Rally, Gerovital, Meidi Packing, Dumitru Beschiu – Products from Jina Sibiu.

Media monitoring partner: MediaTrust

TV media partners: TVR, Canal 33

Media partners: Agerpes, Financial Intelligence, Economic Club, The Economist, I AM News, EM360, Money.ro, Stiripesurse.ro, Transilvania Business, Capital, infofinanciar.ro, Bursa, Entrepreneur Club, Elite Magazine, News One, InvesTenergy, The Diplomat Bucharest, Energy Focus, Energy Industry Review, We Love Brasov Group.


17.00-17.30 – Official opening

  • Andreea NEGRU – President of the European Women’s Business Association PEFA
  • Marcel CIOLACU – PM of Romania (TBC)
  • Mircea ABRUDEAN – Secretary General of the Government
  • Florin JIANU – former President of CNIPMMR
  • Radu OPREA – Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism
  • Lorena STOIAN – First Vice-President of PEFA



Source: Bursa.ro

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