
Registrations open for the Green Report Gala 2024

Green Report announces the opening of the registration period for the Green Report Gala 2024, the most prestigious environmental awards granted to sustainability projects implemented in Romania.

From August 5th to October 15th, companies, authorities, and institutions are invited to present their initiatives that have made a difference in the past year and demonstrated that it is possible in Romania as well.

This year’s Green Report Gala theme is “Blue Planet,” focusing on WATER, this vital resource for humans and the planet, which has become more valuable than ever.

“As every year, the Green Report Gala 2024 is not just a celebration of sustainability projects, but also a call for education and awareness on current issues facing humanity. This year, we chose to talk more about water, this elixir of life that we must learn to value and conserve. Seen from space, our planet seems like an aquatic paradise, with over 70% of its surface covered by water. However, few people know that the numbers contradict appearances. Only 3% of this water is usable by humanity and other species dependent on fresh water. 68% of the fresh water is in glaciers. Only 30% is in the ground. And from this tiny percentage, only 0.3% is accessible to us, in the form of rivers, lakes, and wetlands,” said Raluca Fișer, founder of Green Report.

The Green Report Gala recognizes remarkable environmental initiatives implemented in Romania, for efforts and commitment in protecting nature and communities. It is a transparent competition, with an impartial jury and objective judging criteria, where those who choose to sponsor the Gala cannot participate.

The objective is to highlight valuable environmental initiatives and compile them into a detailed report that can inspire other people and organizations.

Companies, organizations, and public or private institutions with headquarters and operations in Romania can participate in the competition, and the project, initiative, or approach must be implemented in Romania.

Registration for the competition is free and can be done directly on the site https://gala.green-report.ro.

The third edition invites entries in 11 categories:

  • Excellence in Environmental Project Financing
  • Excellence in Energy Efficiency
  • Excellence in Environmental Innovation
  • Excellence in Public Administration
  • Excellence in Circular Economy
  • Excellence in Environmental Campaigns
  • Excellence in Water Consumption Management
  • Excellence in Sustainable Transport
  • Excellence in Agri-Food
  • Excellence in Natural Heritage Conservation Projects
  • Excellence in Environmental Education

The award ceremony will take place on January 16, 2025, and will bring together business leaders, environmental experts, ambassadors, government representatives, and other important stakeholders from the industry.

Companies interested in participating in the Green Report Gala are invited to complete the registration form available on our website https://gala.green-report.ro by the deadline of October 15, 2024. The evaluation and selection of finalist companies will be conducted by an experienced and impartial jury, consisting of recognized specialists in auditing, environment, and sustainability.

This year’s jury will include Ramona Jurubiță, Country Managing Partner at KPMG Romania; Andreea Mitiriță, Partner, Tax Consultancy at PwC Romania; Marius Brînzea, Strategy Director at Reciclad’OR; Raluca Popa, Tax Partner at EY Romania; Ovidiu Popescu, Partner at Deloitte Romania, Leader of Energy and Sustainability Practices at Deloitte Romania; Alexandru Andrășanu, Geoeducation and Geoconservation Expert, Lecturer Dr. at the University of Bucharest.

Green Report supports initiatives that contribute to building a greener and more sustainable future, and the Green Report Gala is a unique opportunity for companies to showcase their commitment and achievements in this vital field.

For 17 years, Green Report has been an environmental publication, organizing nearly 50 conferences on environmental issues on the public agenda and is constantly seeking solutions alongside the most relevant people who can make a difference by working together: authorities, managers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, and experts.

The Green Report audience includes European commissioners, central and local authorities, high-level business representatives, environmental experts, employer associations, top-profile NGOs, and the academic community.

Partners: British Romanian Chamber of Commerce, Coalition for Circular Economy, Concordia Employers’ Confederation, Foreign Investors Council, Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Media Partners: RFI Romania, Biz Magazine, green-report.ro, wall-street.ro, retail.ro, start-up.ro, 9am.ro, revista-piata.ro, spotmedia.ro

Source: greenreport.ro

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