
Promateris: How Production Grew and Became a Regional Leader with the Help of Norwegian Funds

Promateris, a Romanian industrial group and leader in the production of biodegradable and compostable packaging, has demonstrated how accessing Norwegian funds can transform an innovative idea into a success story. Over the course of four years, the company secured Norwegian funds amounting to €2,291,000, which enabled the development of production capacity and the adoption of sustainable practices.

Tudor Georgescu, CEO of Promateris, talks about the company’s ambitious beginnings: “We had the innovative idea to produce biodegradable packaging, seeing a significant opportunity in the sustainable products market. We aimed to reinvent ourselves and become pioneers in this field.” Thus, the company began to explore the opportunities offered by Norwegian funds, which allowed the acquisition of modern equipment for the production of biodegradable and compostable bags.

“Accessing Norwegian funds was a simple and efficient process, without the usual bureaucracy. The team at Innovation Norway provided prompt support without delays. The flexibility of this mechanism allowed us to achieve strategic objectives and reduce carbon emissions associated with energy consumption by 500 tons in the past six months. I believe these funds are essential for the development of SMEs and encourage other Romanian companies to participate because the process of obtaining these grants is easy to navigate,” adds Tudor Georgescu.

The first grant obtained was for the purchase of equipment for the production of biodegradable and compostable packaging. After the initial success of this investment project, Promateris decided to expand and start the production of raw materials for compostable packaging, becoming the first supplier in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). “We wanted to contribute even more to the decarbonization of the local economy by producing raw materials based on corn starch. This product was imported into the region by compostable packaging manufacturers, and we now offer a locally produced alternative. The product is highly successful, being sold in several countries in the region,” explains Tudor Georgescu.

In parallel, Promateris invested in green energy to replace traditional energy with renewable resources. In 2023, the company received the third grant from EEA & Norway Grants, amounting to €597,000, for the installation of a photovoltaic system. In just nine months after installation, Promateris reduced carbon emissions by 510,086 kg and cut electricity costs by 15%, having a direct positive impact on financial efficiency.

Through these projects and results, Promateris demonstrates how accessing Norwegian funds can significantly contribute to increasing production capacity and implementing sustainable practices, thus consolidating its position as a leader in the biodegradable and compostable packaging industry. With clients all over Europe, Promateris is a success story for other Romanian companies looking to access funds to develop their businesses and adopt environmental impact reduction policies.

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