
Round Table “Sustainability. From Producer to Consumer,” Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 10:30 AM, Forum Continental, Eminescu Hall


Sustainability is not just about recycling. On the path to a circular economy, companies bear the responsibility of setting sustainability goals across all levels of activity: reducing the operational and product impact on the environment, as well as social commitment. Therefore, it is crucial to extend the producer’s responsibility (EPR – extended producer responsibility) throughout the product’s life cycle through sustainable design, efficient resource use, take-back programs (collection, recycling, safe disposal), waste management, energy efficiency in production and distribution, investment in innovation, and consumer education. Education and innovation are the keys to a successful sustainability strategy.

Sustainability reporting is a public disclosure made by a company to communicate its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance and information, including the goals set and progress made in achieving them. Properly addressing non-financial performance reporting is crucial, and responsible investments that consider the impact of environmental, social, and governance factors (ESG) are key concepts of a sustainable business strategy. However, not many Romanian companies are prepared for the radical change introduced by the obligation to comply with sustainability and social responsibility (ESG) goals. Nor do they have the necessary skills and financial resources.

On the other hand, Romanian consumers are increasingly interested in sustainability, but the concept is not yet fully understood. Six out of ten Romanians (58%) do not use sustainable products because they are more expensive, according to a study conducted at the beginning of 2024. 35% of respondents stated that they do not trust the authenticity of eco labels, while 38% of buyers are mindful of their environmental impact through their consumption habits, the study shows. More than half of Romanians, 56%, say they are undecided about purchasing more environmentally friendly products, while 6% are not interested in sustainability and ethics. However, four out of ten undecided consumers contribute to environmental protection through daily actions and have the potential to become ethical consumers through educational campaigns and programs that encourage environmental protection.

In this context, Capital and InfoFinanciar are organizing the round table “SUSTAINABILITY. FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER” on Wednesday, October 16. The event brings together representatives of public institutions, private companies, and companies operating in the responsibility transfer market regarding the collection, recovery, and recycling of packaging, to analyze the major challenges in sustainability in Romania.


  • The relationship between producer and consumer as a critical element for the success of EPR programs
  • The importance of publishing sustainability reports as a form of direct communication with consumers
  • Sustainable models and solutions in production, supply, and logistics
  • Sustainability as a business opportunity
  • Sustainability and innovation – exploring new materials and technologies that can replace unsustainable resources in production
  • Companies’ contribution to educating the end consumer for sustainable consumption
  • Solutions to influence purchasing decisions towards sustainable products
  • Sustainability in RETAIL, HORECA, and e-commerce
  • Sustainability costs vs. sustainability as a business opportunity


  • Marius Brînzea, Strategy Director, Reciclad`OR
  • Mihai Boca, TQM & After Sales Manager, Nespresso Romania
  • Monalisa Ungureanu, CEO, Agrii Romania
  • Tulia Cășvean, Corporate Communication Director, Transavia
  • Monica Arapelea, Marketing Director, Bringo
  • Ana Nedea, Business Strategy and Development Director, Simtel Team
  • Cristian Bădescu, CEO, Inatech Packaging
  • Radu Dragomir, CEO, Urban Scope
  • Andreea Chțu, Co-Founder, Pai din Pai
  • Dragoș Tuță, Founder, Sustainability Embassy in Romania / Sustainable Romania Coalition (CRS)
  • Daniela Adriana Marișcu, President, ESG Employers’ Council in Romania
  • Ciprian Stănescu, President, Social Innovation Solutions, Academy of Sustainability
  • Teodora Ghenciu, Founder, Sustainable Solutions Association
  • Răzvan-Victor Sassu, Project Manager, Sustainability Accelerator for NGOs

The agenda is being updated and may change.

Moderator: Robert Turcescu

The event will be broadcast LIVE on the HAI ROMANIA YouTube channel.


In the hall, there will also be representatives of public institutions, associations, and employers’ associations, EPR organizations, financial consultancy, sustainability, and ESG reporting companies, as well as representatives of private companies – CFOs, CEOs, development and sustainability managers, CSR managers, etc.

Access to the event is by invitation only.

Those who wish to attend the event physically can send a registration request with their name, surname, company, and contact phone number to evenimente@evzgroup.ro by Monday, October 14, at 1:00 PM, and, subject to availability, will receive confirmation for a seat in the hall.


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  • 10:30 – 11:00 – Welcome coffee & Guest reception
  • 11:00 – 13:00 – Speeches & Debates
  • 13:00 – 13:30 – Coffee time & Networking

Location: Forum Continental, Eminescu Hall, Strada Izvor 82-84, Bucharest

Source: capital.ro

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