2,100 cyclists had a memorable experience at the second edition of L’Étape Romania by Tour de France
Bucharest, August 28, 2023: The second edition of L’Étape Romania by Tour de France gathered 2,100 cyclists at the start and was SOLD OUT two weeks before the event. All those present in Constitution Square experienced the top experience offered by the Tour de France brand and the atmosphere of a cycling festival

Marius Brînzea , Director Strategie la Reciclad`OR: „Ambalajele – de la abordarea operațională la perspectiva strategică pe termen lung”
Having a vast managerial experience of over 27 years, specialized in circular economy and sustainability at the University of Cambridge, the development of competitive strategies at INSEAD and in the innovation of business models at Strategyzer-Switzerland, Marius Brînzea has managed throughout his career a multitude of strategic projects related to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

Streets and arteries in Bucharest closed on 27 August for the cycling race l’Étape Romania by Tour de France
Bucharest, August 8, 2023. On August 27, Bucharest will host L’Étape by Tour de France, the world’s most famous cycling race for amateurs and enthusiasts. The event will block major arteries of the capital from 7:00 in the morning and will be restored to traffic after 14:00