
100 Top Young Managers. Diana Cîtu, RECICLAD’OR

After completing high school in Slatina, Diana Cîtu attended the courses of the Academy of Economic Studies, specializing in finance-banking. “Although at the time the notions of ‘circular economy’ or ‘sustainability’ were not quite on everyone’s lips, I was attracted to the idea of protecting the environment and I understood that results in this direction can only be obtained through the involvement of those responsible, of large companies, but also of all of us. That’s what ‘circularity’ actually means. And that’s how the business I run was born.”

What is the career goal you have set for yourself at present?

Remaining at the top of the rankings, especially in such a competitive field, is a goal in itself and, I admit, I work very hard together with my team to maintain it. In addition, as an additional objective, I want Reciclad’OR to have a physical presence in 7 more counties by the end of the year, in order to be able to serve local producers more promptly and create a closer connection with them.

What are the main challenges you face in achieving this and how do you plan to overcome them?

Adapting to the requirements of our partners, who in turn are forced to adapt to frequent legislative and regulatory changes, is a serious challenge for us. But through the conferences we initiate or participate in, we make an essential contribution in reporting our partners to the legal requirements and in implementing a sustainable business model by them.

What does your ideal work week/day look like in the current context?

In the morning, after I drop my children off at school, I go straight to the office, where I often arrive before the team. I use the first hour of the morning to draw conclusions from the previous day and go through the agenda of the current day. Then the “madness” begins, as I am requested by each department, participating in meetings with our partners, attending conferences and workshops, etc. But I really enjoy what I do.

Remote or office work? Why?

I am a proponent of office work, but I have also had many opportunities to work remotely, a fortuitous case being even during the pandemic. I prefer office work because I feel better communication with the team and more efficient resolution of emerging situations.

What are the qualities you appreciate most in the colleagues in the teams you coordinate? But the flaws you cannot tolerate?

I greatly appreciate the involvement of my colleagues in the activity, the way they find their own solutions to some of the situations that arise, with me just ticking the approval. I do not tolerate (and I thank God that it is not the case in my team) lying, not even by omission.

Is there still room for reading in the agenda of a leader of the present? What do you read and what are your favorite titles?

I love to read. I cannot conceive of a day without reading at least a few pages. I’m referring to the paper pages of a book, that’s how I feel the content best. I recently discovered Haruki Murakami, who managed to get me out of the threads of everyday life relatively quickly and throw me into the fantastic universe of “The Wild Sheep Chase” or the wonderful “Norwegian Wood”. I confidently recommend this contemporary Japanese author.

source: businessmagazin.ro

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