Marius Brînzea, Reciclad’OR, at the Capital Round Table: “The impact of plastic packaging is very significant.”


Sustainability does not only mean recycling. We are talking about a broad topic that is fundamentally based on the notion of responsibility. From products to packaging, investments, and procedures, sustainability in business encompasses many forms and aspects. This is why the editorial teams of Capital Magazine and the Infofinanciar platform organized an event titled “Sustainability. From Producer to Consumer” on Wednesday, October 16.

As a speaker, Marius Brînzea, Director of Strategy at Reciclad’OR, touched on an important nuance. He spoke about the difference between being aware of a problem, knowing it exists, affecting you, and taking practical measures to act accordingly.

“We all know about the packaging problem, but we must also see what needs to be done. Packaging is regulated by a European directive, as well as by a component of what represents the EU strategy on plastic and reducing its impact.”

Marius Brînzea, Reciclad’OR, on packaging and business

“At the moment, all companies are aligned with these directives, which represents a significant challenge. Consumption is very high, and the impact of plastic packaging is accordingly significant. However, the biggest challenge will come on January 1, 2025.

Because legislation will undergo some modifications. We are talking about the regulation concerning packaging and packaging waste. The impact will be profound on packaging solutions in the business environment,” added Marius Brînzea at the Capital and Infofinanciar event.

In this regard, several perspectives need to be considered, according to the Director of Strategy at Reciclad’OR. Business people will need to pay attention to recyclability, the possibility of reuse, labeling, and the information that companies communicate regarding packaging.

Legislation, changes, and challenges

“This piece of legislation must ensure that by 2030 all packaging will be recyclable and reusable. The requirements are extremely complex, and they could pose a real problem for small and medium-sized companies,” Marius Brînzea further stated.

Change often comes with investments, emphasizes the Director of Strategy at Reciclad’OR. That’s why some small and medium-sized companies may face certain barriers when they are required to adopt a different business model regarding packaging.

“Also in terms of challenges, we can mention the need to educate employees in the new direction; much work needs to be done on raising awareness. There is a need for ongoing information for employees and management regarding the changes coming in packaging,” continued Marius Brînzea.

Reciclad’OR was founded in 2017, and its representatives quickly established themselves as market leaders in the field of responsibility transfer. The team has created an optimal strategic network for implementing CSR activities and carries out environmental projects through partnerships with relevant institutions, local and national organizations.

Sustainability. From Producer to Consumer

The agenda of the round table event “Sustainability. From Producer to Consumer,” organized by Capital and Infofinanciar, aimed to follow the path of businesses towards a circular economy. Romanian companies now bear the responsibility of setting sustainability objectives across all areas of activity. Moreover, starting January 1, 2025, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) reporting will become mandatory.

Additionally, Romanian consumers are increasingly interested in what sustainability means. However, for them, the concept is not yet fully understood. Therefore, the round table “Sustainability. From Producer to Consumer” is one of the events organized by Capital and Infofinanciar with the purpose of explaining what is currently happening and what to expect in the near future.

The event is organized with the support of: Philip Morris Romania, Reciclad’OR, Romgaz, Comtim, Sustainable Houses, and Rewire Interior Design. The media partners of the event are Evenimentul Zilei and InfoActual.


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