The European Union transmitted a series of recommendations and directives that have to be complied with by each member state. To this purpose, Romania has established quotas for the wastes recycling. The recycling quota for our country is 60% out of the total of packaging wastes introduced on the market. According to the law, the companies that introduce packed products on the market (R.E.O.- Responsible Economic Operators) must assure that the packages obtained following consumption are collected selectively and recycled in authorized recycling centers. Otherwise, the R.E.O. will pay a fee of Lei 2 /kilogram for the quantities of non-recycled packaging.
Recycling Percentage:
If we neglect packing wastes collection and recycling, the costs will be transferred to the final user. The studies carried-out by economic experts in forecast price increases ranging between 4% and 25%. Thus, the decrease of production / import and of consumption will be imminent. Among the most affected categories will be the food products, packaged in glass or metal. According to the available data, the recycling targets at the EU level tend to increase periodically, which causes the responsible economic operators, package generators, to conclude firm contracts with TROs, in order to avoid the eventual sanctions.Useful Links:
- Ministry of Environment
- Administration of the Environmental Fund
- National Environmental Guard
- National Agency for Environmental Protection
- European Environment Agency
Legislation on Packaging and Packaging Waste:
- Ordinance 6/2021 on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment
- Order MMAP-3173-2023 - Declaration to AFM
- HG 1075-2023 - Amendment of HG 1074-2021 Establishing SGR
- Procedure for registering economic operators placing durable reusable alternatives on the national market
- Order No. 2.002/353/2023
- Law 175/2023 - regarding the approval of Government Emergency Ordinance No. 125/2022 for amending and completing Government Emergency Ordinance No. 196/2005 regarding the Environmental Fund
- Order No. 1555/2020 - for amending and completing the authorization procedure, annual approval, and withdrawal of the operating right of OIREPs
- Procedure No. 39/2019 – for authorization, annual approval, and withdrawal of the operating right of OIREP
- Order No. 1362/2018 - regarding the approval of the authorization procedure for OIREP
- Law No. 249/2015 - regarding the management of packaging and packaging waste
- Ordinance No. 1/2021 - for amending and completing Law No. 249/2015
- Emergency Ordinance No. 92/2021 - regarding the waste regime
- Ordinance No. 6/2021 - on reducing the impact of certain plastic products on the environment
- Emergency Ordinance No. 196/2005 - regarding the Environmental Fund
- Order No. 794/2012 - regarding the reporting of data related to packaging and packaging waste
- Decision No. 955/2014 - amending Decision 2000/532/EC regarding the list of waste under Directive 2008/98/EC
- Decision No. 856/2002 - regarding the record of waste management and the list of hazardous waste
- Decision No. 1061/2008 - regarding the transport of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
- Regulation No. 1031/2006 - regarding waste transfers
- Commission Guidelines on Single-Use Plastic Products - in accordance with Directive (EU) 2019/904
- Order No. 1609/2024 - amendment and completion of Order No. 185/2023
- Annex 1 - Methodology for calculating the management fee for packaging in the deposit-return system as of 10.10.2024
- Annex 2 - Methodology for calculating the administrative fee for packaging in the deposit-return system as of 10.10.2024
- Order No. 2202/2024 regarding the approval of the Methodology for calculating the management fee and the administrative fee for packaging in the deposit-return system