A young, professional team, full of enthusiasm and energy! We appreciate you not only in terms of the services you provide us directly, month by month, in order to fulfil the legal obligations of recycling, but also for the efforts made in organising and supporting events and campaigns of education and awareness of civil society with on the need to protect the environment. These campaigns motivate changes in the behavior of waste generators, helping to understand the importance of recycling and more responsible use of products!

It was a real pleasure to collaborate with the Reciclad`OR team. Their involvement was professional, but at the same time I could see the dedication in organising every detail. Together with them we managed to launch a ZERO WASTE – Zero Trash greening campaign, which aimed to draw attention to the negative impact that waste has on the environment. Thus, the employees of Yves Rocher Romania and the gymnasium classes from the “Nicolae Grigorescu” Gymnasium School, from Săbăreni, managed a wide action of greening the green area of the Râioasă Forest, on World Environment Day. I really appreciated the speed of reaction and their ability to find solutions to new situations along the way. In the future, we will definitely resume the collaboration with Reciclad`OR for CSR campaigns.

You are a wonderful team and the company has demonstrated to the collaboration with us an openness and a pro-activity that are rarely met.
The communication with the Reciclad’or team is very good, the team is young and wonderful and we thank you for the support offered throughout our collaboration, for the timely information and especially for the integrity.

My feedback is a positive one, I consider that we had a very good collaboration, a transparent and efficient communication, we really appreciated the fact that you alerted us as soon as you noticed various inadvertences.
I like that you are always customer-oriented, you have a team of dedicated and professional people, very attentive to details, you took care to always bring to our attention various legislative aspects, news, events and actions organized by Reciclad’Or, you came in customer support by moving the applied tariffs and you have represented a point of stability in this difficult period and full of uncertainties.
In addition, the online platform is friendly, easy to use and later helps us to easily complete the Environmental Fund Statement.
Congratulations for everything you have managed to achieve so far, for the high quality of services provided and I wish you success !

Reciclad’OR, from the beginning of our collaboration, you have proved that you are a partner we can rely on, and for that we appreciate you!
Thank you for your support, involvement, promptness, and the importance of handling each request!
Thank you

Regarding the collaboration with your company, I have only words of praise!
You are a serious business partner, operative understanding and involved!